Perphenazine, amitriptyline and perphenazine-amitriptyline: role in clinical practice

Perfenazina, amitriptilina e perfenazina-amitriptilina: ruolo nella pratica clinica

A. Fagiolini, A. Cuomo

Università di Siena, Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare e dello Sviluppo, Sezione Psichiatria


Typical antipsychotics, also called conventional antipsychotics, first-generation antipsychotics or major tranquilizers, and tricyclic antidepressants, are drugs developed since 1950 and still used in the treatment of many psychiatric disorders, despite several compounds that were developed later, with the intention of improving their therapeutic response and tolerability. Although the efficacy, tolerability, value and usefulness of the new compounds are undeniable, none of these is so effective and tolerated to make us consider the older generation drugs as always and completely overtaken. This paper evaluates and reviews the pharmacological and clinical properties of perphenazine, amitriptyline and the association of these two medications.

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